Choose migration script | 3.7.0-3.8.0.sql |
Request 1 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn set ref=rowid where ref IS NULL;' |
Request 2 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn MODIFY COLUMN ref varchar(255) NOT NULL;' |
Request 3 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_bank_url MODIFY COLUMN type varchar(24) NOT NULL;' |
Request 4 sql='insert into llx_c_tva(rowid,fk_pays,taux,recuperableonly,localtax1,localtax1_type,localtax2,localtax2_type,note,active) values (211, 21, '0','0',0,0,0,0,'IVA Rate 0',1);' |
Request 5 sql='insert into llx_c_tva(rowid,fk_pays,taux,recuperableonly,localtax1,localtax1_type,localtax2,localtax2_type,note,active) values (212, 21, '18','0',7.5,2,0,0,'IVA standard rate',1);' |
Request 6 sql='insert into llx_c_tva(rowid,fk_pays,taux,recuperableonly,note,active) values ( 2131, 213, '5', '0', 'VAT 5%', 1);' |
Request 7 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_rib ADD COLUMN rum varchar(32) AFTER default_rib;' |
Request 8 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_rib ADD COLUMN frstrecur varchar(16) DEFAULT 'FRST' AFTER rum;' |
Request 9 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 10 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_cronjob MODIFY COLUMN params text NULL;' |
Request 11 sql='create table llx_loan ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, datec datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, label varchar(80) NOT NULL, fk_bank integer, capital real DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, datestart date, dateend date, nbterm real, rate double NOT NULL, note_private text, note_public text, capital_position real DEFAULT 0, date_position date, paid smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, accountancy_account_capital varchar(32), accountancy_account_insurance varchar(32), accountancy_account_interest varchar(32), fk_user_author integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_modif integer DEFAULT NULL, active tinyint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 12 sql='create table llx_payment_loan ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_loan integer, datec datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datep datetime, amount_capital real DEFAULT 0, amount_insurance real DEFAULT 0, amount_interest real DEFAULT 0, fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL, num_payment varchar(50), note_private text, note_public text, fk_bank integer NOT NULL, fk_user_creat integer, fk_user_modif integer )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 13 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN fieldrequired integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 14 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN perms varchar(255) AFTER fieldrequired;' |
Request 15 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_extrafields ADD COLUMN list integer DEFAULT 0 AFTER perms;' |
Request 16 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD COLUMN salary real AFTER datev;' |
Request 17 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD INDEX idx_payment_salary_ref (num_payment);' |
Request 18 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD INDEX idx_payment_salary_user (fk_user, entity);' |
Request 19 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD INDEX idx_payment_salary_datep (datep);' |
Request 20 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD INDEX idx_payment_salary_datesp (datesp);' |
Request 21 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD INDEX idx_payment_salary_dateep (dateep);' |
Request 22 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD CONSTRAINT fk_payment_salary_user FOREIGN KEY (fk_user) REFERENCES llx_user (rowid);' |
Request 23 sql='UPDATE llx_projet_task_time SET task_datehour = task_date where task_datehour IS NULL;' |
Request 24 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task_time ADD COLUMN task_date_withhour integer DEFAULT 0 AFTER task_datehour;' |
Request 25 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task MODIFY COLUMN duration_effective real DEFAULT 0 NULL;' |
Request 26 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet_task MODIFY COLUMN planned_workload real DEFAULT 0 NULL;' |
Request 27 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur MODIFY COLUMN date_livraison datetime;' |
Request 28 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN fk_commandefourndet INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER fk_product;' |
Request 29 sql='DELETE FROM llx_menu where module = 'printipp';' |
Request 30 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_bank ADD INDEX idx_bank_num_releve(num_releve);' |
Request 31 sql='create table llx_c_price_expression ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(20) NOT NULL, expression varchar(80) NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 32 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN fk_supplier_price_expression integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 33 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN fk_price_expression integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 34 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_price ADD COLUMN fk_price_expression integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 35 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN fifo double(24,8) AFTER pmp;' |
Request 36 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN lifo double(24,8) AFTER fifo;' |
Request 37 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_printing ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datec datetime, printer_name text NOT NULL, printer_location text NOT NULL, printer_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, copy integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', module varchar(16) NOT NULL, driver varchar(16) NOT NULL, userid integer )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 38 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN situation_cycle_ref smallint;' |
Request 39 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN situation_counter smallint;' |
Request 40 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN situation_final smallint;' |
Request 41 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facturedet ADD COLUMN situation_percent real;' |
Request 42 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facturedet ADD COLUMN fk_prev_id integer;' |
Request 43 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_SENDMODE';' |
Request 44 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_PORT';' |
Request 45 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER';' |
Request 46 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_ID';' |
Request 47 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW';' |
Request 48 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET entity = __ENCRYPT('1')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('entity')__ = 0 AND __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_MAIL_EMAIL_TLS';' |
Request 49 sql='DELETE from llx_const where name = 'MAIN_USE_JQUERY_MULTISELECT' and value = '1';' |
Request 50 sql='create table llx_bank_account_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 51 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement MODIFY COLUMN label varchar(255);' |
Request 52 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement MODIFY COLUMN price double(24,8) DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 53 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement ADD COLUMN inventorycode varchar(128);' |
Request 54 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_association ADD COLUMN incdec integer DEFAULT 1;' |
Request 55 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_bank_account_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 56 sql='create table llx_contratdet_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 57 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_contratdet_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_contratdet_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 58 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN delivery_time_days integer;' |
Request 59 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN comment varchar(255);' |
Request 60 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN status integer;' |
Request 61 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;' |
Request 62 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN batch varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 63 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN eatby date DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 64 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur_dispatch ADD COLUMN sellby date DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 65 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement ADD COLUMN batch varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 66 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement ADD COLUMN eatby date DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 67 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_stock_mouvement ADD COLUMN sellby date DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 68 sql='UPDATE llx_product_batch SET batch = 'unknown' WHERE batch IS NULL;' |
Request 69 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_batch MODIFY COLUMN batch varchar(30) NOT NULL;' |
Request 70 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_expensereport ( rowid integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ref varchar(50) NOT NULL, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, ref_number_int integer DEFAULT NULL, ref_ext integer, total_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_tva double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, localtax1 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, localtax2 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, date_debut date NOT NULL, date_fin date NOT NULL, date_create datetime NOT NULL, date_valid datetime, date_approve datetime, date_refuse datetime, date_cancel datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_user_author integer NOT NULL, fk_user_modif integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_valid integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_validator integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_approve integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_refuse integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_cancel integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_statut integer NOT NULL, fk_c_paiement integer DEFAULT NULL, paid smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, note_public text, note_private text, detail_refuse varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, detail_cancel varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, integration_compta integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_bank_account integer DEFAULT NULL, model_pdf varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 71 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_expensereport_det ( rowid integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_expensereport integer NOT NULL, fk_c_type_fees integer NOT NULL, fk_projet integer, comments text NOT NULL, product_type integer DEFAULT -1, qty real NOT NULL, value_unit real NOT NULL, remise_percent real, tva_tx double(6,3), localtax1_tx double(6,3) DEFAULT 0, localtax1_type varchar(10) NULL, localtax2_tx double(6,3) DEFAULT 0, localtax2_type varchar(10) NULL, total_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, total_tva double(24,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, total_localtax1 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_localtax2 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, date date NOT NULL, info_bits integer DEFAULT 0, special_code integer DEFAULT 0, rang integer DEFAULT 0, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 72 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport_det MODIFY COLUMN fk_projet integer NULL;' |
Request 73 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport_det MODIFY COLUMN fk_c_tva integer NULL;' |
Request 74 sql='create table llx_payment_expensereport ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_expensereport integer, datec datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datep datetime, amount real DEFAULT 0, fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL, num_payment varchar(50), note text, fk_bank integer NOT NULL, fk_user_creat integer, fk_user_modif integer )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 75 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN budget_amount double(24,8);' |
Request 76 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD COLUMN name_alias varchar(128) NULL;' |
Request 77 sql='create table llx_commande_fournisseurdet_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 78 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseurdet_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_commande_fournisseurdet_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 79 sql='create table llx_facture_fourn_det_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 80 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_facture_fourn_det_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 81 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD COLUMN special_code integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 82 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD COLUMN rang integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 83 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD COLUMN fk_parent_line integer NULL AFTER fk_facture_fourn;' |
Request 84 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseurdet ADD COLUMN special_code integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 85 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseurdet ADD COLUMN rang integer DEFAULT 0;' |
Request 86 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseurdet ADD COLUMN fk_parent_line integer NULL AFTER fk_commande;' |
Request 87 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN date_close datetime DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 88 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN fk_user_close integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 89 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN fk_opp_status integer DEFAULT NULL AFTER fk_statut;' |
Request 90 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN opp_amount double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 91 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_askpricesupplier ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ref varchar(30) NOT NULL, entity integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', ref_ext varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, ref_int varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, fk_soc integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_projet integer DEFAULT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datec datetime DEFAULT NULL, date_valid datetime DEFAULT NULL, date_cloture datetime DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_author integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_modif integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_valid integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_cloture integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_statut smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', price double DEFAULT '0', remise_percent double DEFAULT '0', remise_absolue double DEFAULT '0', remise double DEFAULT '0', total_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, tva double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, localtax1 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, localtax2 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, fk_account integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_currency varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL, fk_cond_reglement integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_mode_reglement integer DEFAULT NULL, note_private text, note_public text, model_pdf varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, date_livraison date DEFAULT NULL, fk_shipping_method integer DEFAULT NULL, import_key varchar(14) DEFAULT NULL, extraparams varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 92 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_askpricesupplierdet ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_askpricesupplier integer NOT NULL, fk_parent_line integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_product integer DEFAULT NULL, label varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, description text, fk_remise_except integer DEFAULT NULL, tva_tx double(6,3) DEFAULT 0, localtax1_tx double(6,3) DEFAULT 0, localtax1_type varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, localtax2_tx double(6,3) DEFAULT 0, localtax2_type varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, qty double DEFAULT NULL, remise_percent double DEFAULT '0', remise double DEFAULT '0', price double DEFAULT NULL, subprice double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_tva double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_localtax1 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_localtax2 double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, total_ttc double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, product_type integer DEFAULT 0, info_bits integer DEFAULT 0, buy_price_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, fk_product_fournisseur_price integer DEFAULT NULL, special_code integer DEFAULT 0, rang integer DEFAULT 0, ref_fourn varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 93 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_askpricesupplier_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 94 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_askpricesupplierdet_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 95 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur ADD COLUMN date_approve2 datetime AFTER date_approve;' |
Request 96 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur ADD COLUMN fk_user_approve2 integer AFTER fk_user_approve;' |
Request 97 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 98 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 99 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 100 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 101 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 102 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 103 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 104 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 105 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 106 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 107 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 108 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 109 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_expedition ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 110 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_expedition ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 111 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_livraison ADD COLUMN fk_incoterms integer;' |
Request 112 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_livraison ADD COLUMN location_incoterms varchar(255);' |
Request 113 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_c_incoterms ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, code varchar(3) NOT NULL, libelle varchar(255) NOT NULL, active tinyint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 114 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_incoterms ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_c_incoterms (code);' |
Request 115 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('EXW', 'Ex Works, au départ non chargé, non dédouané sortie d''usine (uniquement adapté aux flux domestiques, nationaux)', 1);' |
Request 116 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('FCA', 'Free Carrier, marchandises dédouanées et chargées dans le pays de départ, chez le vendeur ou chez le commissionnaire de transport de l''acheteur', 1);' |
Request 117 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('FAS', 'Free Alongside Ship, sur le quai du port de départ', 1);' |
Request 118 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('FOB', 'Free On Board, chargé sur le bateau, les frais de chargement dans celui-ci étant fonction du liner term indiqué par la compagnie maritime (à la charge du vendeur)', 1);' |
Request 119 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('CFR', 'Cost and Freight, chargé dans le bateau, livraison au port de départ, frais payés jusqu''au port d''arrivée, sans assurance pour le transport, non déchargé du navire à destination (les frais de déchargement sont inclus ou non au port d''arrivée)', 1);' |
Request 120 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('CIF', 'Cost, Insurance and Freight, chargé sur le bateau, frais jusqu''au port d''arrivée, avec l''assurance marchandise transportée souscrite par le vendeur pour le compte de l''acheteur', 1);' |
Request 121 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('CPT', 'Carriage Paid To, livraison au premier transporteur, frais jusqu''au déchargement du mode de transport, sans assurance pour le transport', 1);' |
Request 122 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('CIP', 'Carriage and Insurance Paid to, idem CPT, avec assurance marchandise transportée souscrite par le vendeur pour le compte de l''acheteur', 1);' |
Request 123 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('DAT', 'Delivered At Terminal, marchandises (déchargées) livrées sur quai, dans un terminal maritime, fluvial, aérien, routier ou ferroviaire désigné (dédouanement import, et post-acheminement payés par l''acheteur)', 1);' |
Request 124 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('DAP', 'Delivered At Place, marchandises (non déchargées) mises à disposition de l''acheteur dans le pays d''importation au lieu précisé dans le contrat (déchargement, dédouanement import payé par l''acheteur)', 1);' |
Request 125 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_incoterms (code, libelle, active) VALUES ('DDP', 'Delivered Duty Paid, marchandises (non déchargées) livrées à destination finale, dédouanement import et taxes à la charge du vendeur ; l''acheteur prend en charge uniquement le déchargement (si exclusion des taxes type TVA, le préciser clairement)', 1);' |
Request 126 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_extrafields DROP INDEX idx_societe_extrafields;' |
Request 127 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_extrafields ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_societe_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 128 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don ADD COLUMN fk_country integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER country;' |
Request 129 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don CHANGE COLUMN fk_paiement fk_payment integer;' |
Request 130 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don ADD COLUMN paid smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL AFTER fk_payment;' |
Request 131 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don CHANGE COLUMN fk_don_projet fk_projet integer NULL;' |
Request 132 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don CHANGE COLUMN fk_project fk_projet integer NULL;' |
Request 133 sql='create table llx_don_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 134 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_don_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_don_extrafields (fk_object);' |
Request 135 sql='create table llx_payment_donation ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_donation integer, datec datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datep datetime, amount real DEFAULT 0, fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL, num_payment varchar(50), note text, fk_bank integer NOT NULL, fk_user_creat integer, fk_user_modif integer )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 136 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_VALIDATE','Customer invoice validated','Executed when a customer invoice is approved','facture',6);' |
Request 137 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_SUPPLIER_APPROVE','Supplier order request approved','Executed when a supplier order is approved','order_supplier',12);' |
Request 138 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_SUPPLIER_REFUSE','Supplier order request refused','Executed when a supplier order is refused','order_supplier',13);' |
Request 139 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_VALIDATE','Customer order validate','Executed when a customer order is validated','commande',4);' |
Request 140 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROPAL_VALIDATE','Customer proposal validated','Executed when a commercial proposal is validated','propal',2);' |
Request 141 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('COMPANY_SENTBYMAIL','Mails sent from third party card','Executed when you send email from third party card','societe',1);' |
Request 142 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('COMPANY_CREATE','Third party created','Executed when a third party is created','societe',1);' |
Request 143 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('CONTRACT_VALIDATE','Contract validated','Executed when a contract is validated','contrat',18);' |
Request 144 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROPAL_SENTBYMAIL','Commercial proposal sent by mail','Executed when a commercial proposal is sent by mail','propal',3);' |
Request 145 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_SENTBYMAIL','Customer order sent by mail','Executed when a customer order is sent by mail ','commande',5);' |
Request 146 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_PAYED','Customer invoice paid','Executed when a customer invoice is paid','facture',7);' |
Request 147 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_CANCEL','Customer invoice canceled','Executed when a customer invoice is conceled','facture',8);' |
Request 148 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_SENTBYMAIL','Customer invoice sent by mail','Executed when a customer invoice is sent by mail','facture',9);' |
Request 149 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE','Supplier order validated','Executed when a supplier order is validated','order_supplier',11);' |
Request 150 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('ORDER_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL','Supplier order sent by mail','Executed when a supplier order is sent by mail','order_supplier',14);' |
Request 151 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATE','Supplier invoice validated','Executed when a supplier invoice is validated','invoice_supplier',15);' |
Request 152 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_SUPPLIER_PAYED','Supplier invoice paid','Executed when a supplier invoice is paid','invoice_supplier',16);' |
Request 153 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_SUPPLIER_SENTBYMAIL','Supplier invoice sent by mail','Executed when a supplier invoice is sent by mail','invoice_supplier',17);' |
Request 154 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_SUPPLIER_CANCELED','Supplier invoice cancelled','Executed when a supplier invoice is cancelled','invoice_supplier',17);' |
Request 155 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('SHIPPING_VALIDATE','Shipping validated','Executed when a shipping is validated','shipping',20);' |
Request 156 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('SHIPPING_SENTBYMAIL','Shipping sent by mail','Executed when a shipping is sent by mail','shipping',21);' |
Request 157 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('MEMBER_VALIDATE','Member validated','Executed when a member is validated','member',22);' |
Request 158 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('MEMBER_SUBSCRIPTION','Member subscribed','Executed when a member is subscribed','member',23);' |
Request 159 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('MEMBER_RESILIATE','Member resiliated','Executed when a member is resiliated','member',24);' |
Request 160 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('MEMBER_MODIFY','Member modified','Executed when a member is modified','member',24);' |
Request 161 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('MEMBER_DELETE','Member deleted','Executed when a member is deleted','member',25);' |
Request 162 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('BILL_UNVALIDATE','Customer invoice unvalidated','Executed when a customer invoice status set back to draft','facture',10);' |
Request 163 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('FICHINTER_VALIDATE','Intervention validated','Executed when a intervention is validated','ficheinter',19);' |
Request 164 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_BILLED','Intervention set billed','Executed when a intervention is set to billed (when option FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_BILLED is set)','ficheinter',19);' |
Request 165 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_UNBILLED','Intervention set unbilled','Executed when a intervention is set to unbilled (when option FICHINTER_CLASSIFY_BILLED is set)','ficheinter',19);' |
Request 166 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('FICHINTER_REOPEN','Intervention opened','Executed when a intervention is re-opened','ficheinter',19);' |
Request 167 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('FICHINTER_SENTBYMAIL','Intervention sent by mail','Executed when a intervention is sent by mail','ficheinter',19);' |
Request 168 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROJECT_CREATE','Project creation','Executed when a project is created','project',30);' |
Request 169 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROPAL_CLOSE_SIGNED','Customer proposal closed signed','Executed when a customer proposal is closed signed','propal',2);' |
Request 170 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROPAL_CLOSE_REFUSED','Customer proposal closed refused','Executed when a customer proposal is closed refused','propal',2);' |
Request 171 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('PROPAL_CLASSIFY_BILLED','Customer proposal set billed','Executed when a customer proposal is set to billed','propal',2);' |
Request 172 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('TASK_CREATE','Task created','Executed when a project task is created','project',35);' |
Request 173 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('TASK_MODIFY','Task modified','Executed when a project task is modified','project',36);' |
Request 174 sql='insert into llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) values ('TASK_DELETE','Task deleted','Executed when a project task is deleted','project',37);' |
Request 175 sql='create table llx_c_price_global_variable ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, code varchar(20) NOT NULL, description text DEFAULT NULL, value double(24,8) DEFAULT 0 )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 176 sql='create table llx_c_price_global_variable_updater ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type integer NOT NULL, description text DEFAULT NULL, parameters text DEFAULT NULL, fk_variable integer NOT NULL, update_interval integer DEFAULT 0, next_update integer DEFAULT 0, last_status text DEFAULT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 177 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent CHANGE COLUMN note note_private text DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 178 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD COLUMN note_public text DEFAULT NULL AFTER note_private;' |
Request 179 sql='CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS llx_propal_merge_pdf_product ( rowid integer NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, fk_product integer NOT NULL, file_name varchar(200) NOT NULL, lang varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_author integer DEFAULT NULL, fk_user_mod integer NOT NULL, datec datetime NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, import_key varchar(14) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB;' |
Request 180 sql='create table llx_c_units( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, code varchar(3), label varchar(50), short_label varchar(5), active tinyint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 181 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_units ADD UNIQUE uk_c_units_code(code);' |
Request 182 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('P','piece','p', 1);' |
Request 183 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('SET','set','se', 1);' |
Request 184 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('S','second','s', 1);' |
Request 185 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('H','hour','h', 1);' |
Request 186 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('D','day','d', 1);' |
Request 187 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('KG','kilogram','kg', 1);' |
Request 188 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('G','gram','g', 1);' |
Request 189 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('M','meter','m', 1);' |
Request 190 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('LM','linear meter','lm', 1);' |
Request 191 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('M2','square meter','m2', 1);' |
Request 192 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('M3','cubic meter','m3', 1);' |
Request 193 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_units ( code, label, short_label, active) VALUES ('L','liter','l', 1);' |
Request 194 sql='alter table llx_product add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 195 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD CONSTRAINT fk_product_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 196 sql='alter table llx_facturedet_rec add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 197 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facturedet_rec ADD CONSTRAINT fk_facturedet_rec_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 198 sql='alter table llx_facturedet add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 199 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facturedet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_facturedet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 200 sql='alter table llx_propaldet add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 201 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propaldet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_propaldet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 202 sql='alter table llx_commandedet add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 203 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commandedet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_commandedet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 204 sql='alter table llx_contratdet add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 205 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_contratdet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_contratdet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 206 sql='alter table llx_commande_fournisseurdet add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 207 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseurdet ADD CONSTRAINT fk_commande_fournisseurdet_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 208 sql='alter table llx_facture_fourn_det add fk_unit integer DEFAULT NULL;' |
Request 209 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD CONSTRAINT fk_facture_fourn_det_fk_unit FOREIGN KEY (fk_unit) REFERENCES llx_c_units (rowid);' |
Request 210 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_societe DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_categorie_societe_fk_soc;' |
Request 211 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_societe CHANGE COLUMN fk_societe fk_soc INTEGER NOT NULL;' |
Request 212 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_societe ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_societe_fk_soc FOREIGN KEY (fk_soc) REFERENCES llx_societe (rowid);' |
Request 213 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_fournisseur DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_categorie_fournisseur_fk_soc;' |
Request 214 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_fournisseur CHANGE COLUMN fk_societe fk_soc INTEGER NOT NULL;' |
Request 215 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_fournisseur ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_fournisseur_fk_soc FOREIGN KEY (fk_soc) REFERENCES llx_societe (rowid);' |
Request 216 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user DROP INDEX uk_user_fk_societe;' |
Request 217 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user DROP INDEX idx_user_fk_societe;' |
Request 218 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user CHANGE COLUMN fk_societe fk_soc INTEGER;' |
Request 219 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD INDEX idx_user_fk_societe (fk_soc);' |
Request 220 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD gender VARCHAR(10);' |
Request 221 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD api_key VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL AFTER pass_temp;' |
Request 222 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_user ADD INDEX idx_user_api_key (api_key);' |
Request 223 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm DROP COLUMN datea;' |
Request 224 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm DROP INDEX idx_actioncomm_datea;' |
Request 225 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm DROP COLUMN datea2;' |
Request 226 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_msgid varchar(255);' |
Request 227 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_from varchar(255);' |
Request 228 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_sender varchar(255);' |
Request 229 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN email_to varchar(255);' |
Request 230 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN errors_to varchar(255);' |
Request 231 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN recurid varchar(128);' |
Request 232 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN recurrule varchar(128);' |
Request 233 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN recurdateend datetime;' |
Request 234 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_stcomm ADD COLUMN picto varchar(128);' |
Request 235 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code, label, description, elementtype, rang) VALUES ('BILL_SUPPLIER_UNVALIDATE','Supplier invoice unvalidated','Executed when a supplier invoice status is set back to draft','invoice_supplier',15);' |
Request 236 sql='DROP TABLE llx_holiday_types;' |
Request 237 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_c_holiday_types ( rowid integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, code varchar(16) NOT NULL, label varchar(255) NOT NULL, affect integer NOT NULL, delay integer NOT NULL, newByMonth double(8,5) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, fk_country integer DEFAULT NULL, active integer DEFAULT 1 ) ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 238 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_holiday_types ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_c_holiday_types(code);' |
Request 239 sql='insert into llx_c_holiday_types(code, label, affect, delay, newByMonth, fk_country) values ('LEAVE_PAID', 'Paid vacation', 1, 7, 0, NULL);' |
Request 240 sql='insert into llx_c_holiday_types(code, label, affect, delay, newByMonth, fk_country) values ('LEAVE_SICK', 'Sick leave', 0, 0, 0, NULL);' |
Request 241 sql='insert into llx_c_holiday_types(code, label, affect, delay, newByMonth, fk_country) values ('LEAVE_OTHER','Other leave', 0, 0, 0, NULL);' |
Request 242 sql='insert into llx_c_holiday_types(code, label, affect, delay, newByMonth, fk_country) values ('LEAVE_RTT', 'RTT' , 1, 7, 0.83, 1);' |
Request 243 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_holiday ADD COLUMN fk_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;' |
Request 244 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_holiday_users ADD COLUMN fk_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;' |
Request 245 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_holiday_logs ADD COLUMN fk_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;' |
Request 246 sql='UPDATE llx_holiday_users SET fk_type = 1 WHERE fk_type IS NULL;' |
Request 247 sql='UPDATE llx_holiday_logs SET fk_type = 1 WHERE fk_type IS NULL;' |
Request 249 sql='create table llx_c_lead_status ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, code varchar(10), label varchar(50), position integer, percent double(5,2), active tinyint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;' |
Request 250 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (1,'PROSP' ,'Prospection', 10, 0,1);' |
Request 251 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (2,'QUAL' ,'Qualification',20, 20,1);' |
Request 252 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (3,'PROPO' ,'Proposal', 30, 40,1);' |
Request 253 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (4,'NEGO' ,'Negotiation', 40, 60,1);' |
Request 254 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (5,'PENDING','Pending', 50, 50,0);' |
Request 255 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (6,'WON' ,'Won', 60, 100,1);' |
Request 256 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_lead_status(rowid,code,label,position,percent,active) VALUES (7,'LOST' ,'Lost', 70, 0,1);' |
Request 257 sql='DELETE FROM llx_c_action_trigger where code = 'PROPAL_CLASSIFYBILLED';' |
Request 258 sql='DELETE FROM llx_c_action_trigger where code = 'FICHINTER_CLASSIFYBILLED';' |
Request 259 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='VI' WHERE ncc='ALAVA' AND fk_region=419;' |
Request 260 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='AB' WHERE ncc='ALBACETE' AND fk_region=404;' |
Request 261 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='A' WHERE ncc='ALICANTE' AND fk_region=411;' |
Request 262 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='AL' WHERE ncc='ALMERIA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 263 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='AV' WHERE ncc='AVILA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 264 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='BA' WHERE ncc='BADAJOZ' AND fk_region=412;' |
Request 265 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='PM' WHERE ncc='ISLAS BALEARES' AND fk_region=414;' |
Request 266 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='B' WHERE ncc='BARCELONA' AND fk_region=406;' |
Request 267 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='BU' WHERE ncc='BURGOS' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 268 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CC' WHERE ncc='CACERES' AND fk_region=412;' |
Request 269 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CA' WHERE ncc='CADIZ' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 270 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CS' WHERE ncc='CASTELLON' AND fk_region=411;' |
Request 271 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CR' WHERE ncc='CIUDAD REAL' AND fk_region=404;' |
Request 272 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CO' WHERE ncc='CORDOBA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 273 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='C' WHERE ncc='LA CORUÑA' AND fk_region=413;' |
Request 274 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CU' WHERE ncc='CUENCA' AND fk_region=404;' |
Request 275 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='GI' WHERE ncc='GERONA' AND fk_region=406;' |
Request 276 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='GR' WHERE ncc='GRANADA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 277 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='GU' WHERE ncc='GUADALAJARA' AND fk_region=404;' |
Request 278 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='SS' WHERE ncc='GUIPUZCOA' AND fk_region=419;' |
Request 279 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='H' WHERE ncc='HUELVA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 280 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='HU' WHERE ncc='HUESCA' AND fk_region=402;' |
Request 281 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='J' WHERE ncc='JAEN' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 282 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='LE' WHERE ncc='LEON' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 283 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='L' WHERE ncc='LERIDA' AND fk_region=406;' |
Request 284 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='LO' WHERE ncc='LA RIOJA' AND fk_region=415;' |
Request 285 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='LU' WHERE ncc='LUGO' AND fk_region=413;' |
Request 286 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='M' WHERE ncc='MADRID' AND fk_region=416;' |
Request 287 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='MA' WHERE ncc='MALAGA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 288 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='MU' WHERE ncc='MURCIA' AND fk_region=417;' |
Request 289 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='NA' WHERE ncc='NAVARRA' AND fk_region=408;' |
Request 290 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='OR' WHERE ncc='ORENSE' AND fk_region=413;' |
Request 291 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='VI' WHERE ncc='ALAVA' AND fk_region=419;' |
Request 292 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='O' WHERE ncc='ASTURIAS' AND fk_region=418;' |
Request 293 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='P' WHERE ncc='PALENCIA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 294 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='GC' WHERE ncc='LAS PALMAS' AND fk_region=405;' |
Request 295 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='PO' WHERE ncc='PONTEVEDRA' AND fk_region=413;' |
Request 296 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='SA' WHERE ncc='SALAMANCA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 297 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='TF' WHERE ncc='STA. CRUZ DE TENERIFE' AND fk_region=405;' |
Request 298 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='S' WHERE ncc='CANTABRIA' AND fk_region=410;' |
Request 299 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='SG' WHERE ncc='SEGOVIA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 300 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='SE' WHERE ncc='SEVILLA' AND fk_region=401;' |
Request 301 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='SO' WHERE ncc='SORIA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 302 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='T' WHERE ncc='TARRAGONA' AND fk_region=406;' |
Request 303 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='TE' WHERE ncc='TERUEL' AND fk_region=402;' |
Request 304 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='TO' WHERE ncc='TOLEDO' AND fk_region=404;' |
Request 305 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='V' WHERE ncc='VALENCIA' AND fk_region=411;' |
Request 306 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='VA' WHERE ncc='VALLADOLID' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 307 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='BI' WHERE ncc='VIZCAYA' AND fk_region=419;' |
Request 308 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='ZA' WHERE ncc='ZAMORA' AND fk_region=403;' |
Request 309 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='Z' WHERE ncc='ZARAGOZA' AND fk_region=402;' |
Request 310 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='VI' WHERE ncc='ALAVA' AND fk_region=419;' |
Request 311 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='CE' WHERE ncc='CEUTA' AND fk_region=407;' |
Request 312 sql='UPDATE llx_c_departements SET code_departement='ML' WHERE ncc='MELILLA' AND fk_region=409;' |
Request 313 sql='DELETE FROM llx_c_departements WHERE ncc='OTROS' AND fk_region=420;' |
Request 314 sql='DELETE FROM llx_c_regions WHERE code_region=420 and fk_pays=4;' |
Request 315 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_paiement MODIFY COLUMN libelle varchar(62);' |
Request 316 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_remise_except MODIFY COLUMN description text NOT NULL;' |
Request 317 sql='update llx_opensurvey_sondage set format = 'D' where format = 'D+';' |
Request 318 sql='update llx_opensurvey_sondage set format = 'A' where format = 'A+';' |
Script processing | OK - Show-Hide details |