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Database Database migration (structure + some data)

Server connection : localhostOK
Database connection : htech_iasOK
Database server version10.6.20-MariaDB-cll-lve
Client charsetutf8
Client collationutf8_general_ci
Please be patient...

Choose migration script13.0.0-14.0.0.sql
Request 1 sql='SET sql_mode = 'ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';'
Request 2 sql='update llx_propal set tms = datec where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;'
Request 3 sql='SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';'
Request 4 sql='update llx_propal set tms = null where DATE(STR_TO_DATE(tms, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NULL;'
Request 5 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_emailcollector_emailcollector MODIFY COLUMN tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;'
Request 6 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN note_private text AFTER fk_user_m;'
Request 7 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_ecm_files ADD COLUMN note_public text AFTER note_private;'
Request 8 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping DROP INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_numero_compte;'
Request 9 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping DROP INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_code_journal;'
Request 10 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_fk_docdet (fk_docdet);'
Request 11 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_doc_date (doc_date);'
Request 12 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_numero_compte (numero_compte, entity);'
Request 13 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_code_journal (code_journal, entity);'
Request 14 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping ADD INDEX idx_accounting_bookkeeping_piece_num (piece_num, entity);'
Request 15 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_recruitment_recruitmentcandidature MODIFY COLUMN email_msgid VARCHAR(175);'
Request 16 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_asset CHANGE COLUMN amount amount_ht double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 17 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_asset ADD COLUMN amount_vat double(24,8) DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 18 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposal_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_supplier_proposal_extrafields (fk_object);'
Request 19 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposaldet_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_supplier_proposaldet_extrafields (fk_object);'
Request 20 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_asset_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_asset_extrafields (fk_object);'
Request 21 sql='insert into llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, active, position) values ( 6,'AC_EMAIL_IN','system','reception Email',NULL, 1, 4);'
Request 22 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_bookkeeping MODIFY COLUMN montant double(24,8) NULL;'
Request 23 sql='UPDATE llx_c_country SET eec = 1 WHERE code IN ('AT','BE','BG','CY','CZ','DE','DK','EE','ES','FI','FR','GR','HR','NL','HU','IE','IM','IT','LT','LU','LV','MC','MT','PL','PT','RO','SE','SK','SI');'
Request 24 sql='INSERT INTO llx_accounting_system (fk_country, pcg_version, label, active) VALUES ( 11, 'US-BASE', 'USA basic chart of accounts', 1);'
Request 25 sql='INSERT INTO llx_accounting_system (fk_country, pcg_version, label, active) VALUES ( 14, 'CA-ENG-BASE', 'Canadian basic chart of accounts - English', 1);'
Request 26 sql='INSERT INTO llx_accounting_system (fk_country, pcg_version, label, active) VALUES ( 154, 'SAT/24-2019', 'Catalogo y codigo agrupador fiscal del 2019', 1);'
Request 27 sql='UPDATE llx_accounting_system SET fk_country = 1 WHERE fk_country IS NULL;'
Request 28 sql='UPDATE llx_const set value = __ENCRYPT('eldy')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('value')__ = 'auguria';'
Request 29 sql='UPDATE llx_const set value = __ENCRYPT('eldy')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('value')__ = 'bureau2crea';'
Request 30 sql='UPDATE llx_const set value = __ENCRYPT('eldy')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('value')__ = 'amarok';'
Request 31 sql='UPDATE llx_const set value = __ENCRYPT('eldy')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('value')__ = 'cameleo';'
Request 32 sql='DELETE FROM llx_user_param where param = 'MAIN_THEME' and value in ('auguria', 'amarok', 'cameleo');'
Request 33 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price ADD COLUMN packaging real DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 34 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_fournisseur_price MODIFY COLUMN packaging real DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 35 sql='UPDATE llx_facturedet SET multicurrency_subprice = -multicurrency_subprice WHERE ((multicurrency_subprice < 0 and subprice > 0) OR (multicurrency_subprice > 0 and subprice < 0));'
Request 36 sql='UPDATE llx_facturedet SET multicurrency_total_ht = -multicurrency_total_ht WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ht < 0 and total_ht > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ht > 0 and total_ht < 0));'
Request 37 sql='UPDATE llx_facturedet SET multicurrency_total_tva = -multicurrency_total_tva WHERE ((multicurrency_total_tva < 0 and total_tva > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_tva > 0 and total_tva < 0));'
Request 38 sql='UPDATE llx_facturedet SET multicurrency_total_ttc = -multicurrency_total_ttc WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ttc < 0 and total_ttc > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ttc > 0 and total_ttc < 0));'
Request 39 sql='UPDATE llx_facture SET multicurrency_total_ht = -multicurrency_total_ht WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ht < 0 and total_ht > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ht > 0 and total_ht < 0));'
Request 40 sql='UPDATE llx_facture SET multicurrency_total_tva = -multicurrency_total_tva WHERE ((multicurrency_total_tva < 0 and total_tva > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_tva > 0 and total_tva < 0));'
Request 41 sql='UPDATE llx_facture SET multicurrency_total_ttc = -multicurrency_total_ttc WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ttc < 0 and total_ttc > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ttc > 0 and total_ttc < 0));'
Request 42 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn_det SET multicurrency_subprice = -multicurrency_subprice WHERE ((multicurrency_subprice < 0 and pu_ht > 0) OR (multicurrency_subprice > 0 and pu_ht < 0));'
Request 43 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn_det SET multicurrency_total_ht = -multicurrency_total_ht WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ht < 0 and total_ht > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ht > 0 and total_ht < 0));'
Request 44 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn_det SET multicurrency_total_tva = -multicurrency_total_tva WHERE ((multicurrency_total_tva < 0 and tva > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_tva > 0 and tva < 0));'
Request 45 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn_det SET multicurrency_total_ttc = -multicurrency_total_ttc WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ttc < 0 and total_ttc > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ttc > 0 and total_ttc < 0));'
Request 46 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn SET multicurrency_total_ht = -multicurrency_total_ht WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ht < 0 and total_ht > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ht > 0 and total_ht < 0));'
Request 47 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn SET multicurrency_total_tva = -multicurrency_total_tva WHERE ((multicurrency_total_tva < 0 and total_tva > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_tva > 0 and total_tva < 0));'
Request 48 sql='UPDATE llx_facture_fourn SET multicurrency_total_ttc = -multicurrency_total_ttc WHERE ((multicurrency_total_ttc < 0 and total_ttc > 0) OR (multicurrency_total_ttc > 0 and total_ttc < 0));'
Request 49 sql='UPDATE llx_c_ticket_type set label = 'Issue or bug' WHERE code = 'ISSUE';'
Request 50 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_ticket_type (code, pos, label, active, use_default, description) VALUES('PROBLEM', '22', 'Problem', 0, 0, NULL);'
Request 51 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_import_model MODIFY COLUMN type varchar(64);'
Request 52 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_export_model MODIFY COLUMN type varchar(64);'
Request 53 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_import_model ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;'
Request 54 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_export_model ADD COLUMN entity integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;'
Request 55 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_lot ADD COLUMN eol_date datetime NULL;'
Request 56 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_lot ADD COLUMN manufacturing_date datetime NULL;'
Request 57 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_lot ADD COLUMN scrapping_date datetime NULL;'
Request 58 sql='create table llx_accounting_groups_account ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_accounting_account INTEGER NOT NULL, fk_c_accounting_category INTEGER NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 59 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_oauth_token ADD COLUMN restricted_ips varchar(200);'
Request 60 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_oauth_token ADD COLUMN datec datetime DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 62 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_events ADD COLUMN authentication_method varchar(64) NULL;'
Request 63 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_events ADD COLUMN fk_oauth_token integer NULL;'
Request 64 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_mailing_cibles MODIFY COLUMN tag varchar(64) NULL;'
Request 65 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_mailing_cibles ADD INDEX idx_mailing_cibles_tag (tag);'
Request 66 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_availability ADD COLUMN position integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;'
Request 67 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD COLUMN ref varchar(30) AFTER rowid;'
Request 68 sql='UPDATE llx_adherent SET ref = rowid WHERE ref = '' or ref IS NULL;'
Request 69 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent MODIFY COLUMN ref varchar(30) NOT NULL;'
Request 70 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_adherent_ref (ref, entity);'
Request 71 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD COLUMN accountancy_code_sell varchar(32) AFTER webservices_key;'
Request 72 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD COLUMN accountancy_code_buy varchar(32) AFTER accountancy_code_sell;'
Request 73 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD COLUMN ics varchar(32) NULL;'
Request 74 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD COLUMN ics_transfer varchar(32) NULL;'
Request 75 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture MODIFY COLUMN date_valid DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 76 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_dolibarr_state_board.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_dolibarr_state_board.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 77 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_members_last_modified.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_members_last_modified.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 78 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_members_last_subscriptions.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_members_last_subscriptions.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 79 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_members_subscriptions_by_year.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_members_subscriptions_by_year.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 80 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_members_by_type.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_members_by_type.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 81 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_website ADD COLUMN lastaccess datetime NULL;'
Request 82 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_website ADD COLUMN pageviews_month BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0;'
Request 83 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_website ADD COLUMN pageviews_total BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0;'
Request 84 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_workstation_workstation DROP FOREIGN KEY llx_workstation_workstation_fk_user_creat;'
Request 85 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal DROP FOREIGN KEY llx_propal_fk_warehouse;'
Request 86 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_workstation_workstation( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ref varchar(128) DEFAULT '(PROV)' NOT NULL, label varchar(255), type varchar(7), note_public text, entity int DEFAULT 1, note_private text, date_creation datetime NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_user_creat integer NOT NULL, fk_user_modif integer, import_key varchar(14), status smallint NOT NULL, nb_operators_required integer, thm_operator_estimated double, thm_machine_estimated double ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 87 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_workstation_workstation ADD INDEX idx_workstation_workstation_rowid (rowid);'
Request 88 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_workstation_workstation ADD INDEX idx_workstation_workstation_ref (ref);'
Request 89 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_workstation_workstation ADD CONSTRAINT fk_workstation_workstation_fk_user_creat FOREIGN KEY (fk_user_creat) REFERENCES llx_user(rowid);'
Request 90 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_workstation_workstation ADD INDEX idx_workstation_workstation_status (status);'
Request 91 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_workstation_workstation_resource( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_resource integer, fk_workstation integer ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 92 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_workstation_workstation_usergroup( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_usergroup integer, fk_workstation integer ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 93 sql='DROP TABLE llx_c_producbatch_qcstatus;'
Request 94 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_c_productbatch_qcstatus( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, entity integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, code varchar(16) NOT NULL, label varchar(50) NOT NULL, active integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 95 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_productbatch_qcstatus ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_c_productbatch_qcstatus(code, entity);'
Request 96 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_productbatch_qcstatus (code, label, active) VALUES ('OK', 'InWorkingOrder', 1);'
Request 97 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_productbatch_qcstatus (code, label, active) VALUES ('KO', 'OutOfOrder', 1);'
Request 98 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_customer_price ADD COLUMN ref_customer varchar(30);'
Request 99 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_customer_price_log ADD COLUMN ref_customer varchar(30);'
Request 100 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD COLUMN fk_warehouse integer DEFAULT NULL AFTER fk_shipping_method;'
Request 101 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD INDEX idx_propal_fk_warehouse(fk_warehouse);'
Request 102 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe DROP INDEX idx_societe_entrepot;'
Request 103 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe CHANGE fk_entrepot fk_warehouse INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 104 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe ADD INDEX idx_societe_warehouse(fk_warehouse);'
Request 105 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe MODIFY COLUMN fk_typent integer NULL;'
Request 106 sql='UPDATE llx_societe SET fk_typent=NULL, tms=tms WHERE fk_typent=0;'
Request 107 sql='DELETE FROM llx_c_typent WHERE code='TE_UNKNOWN';'
Request 108 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_socpeople MODIFY poste varchar(255);'
Request 109 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_menu ADD COLUMN prefix varchar(255) NULL AFTER titre;'
Request 110 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_chargesociales ADD COLUMN fk_user integer DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 111 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_mrp_production ADD COLUMN origin_id integer AFTER fk_mo;'
Request 112 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_mrp_production ADD COLUMN origin_type varchar(10) AFTER origin_id;'
Request 113 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_fichinter ADD COLUMN last_main_doc varchar(255) AFTER model_pdf;'
Request 114 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN last_main_doc varchar(255) AFTER model_pdf;'
Request 115 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_expensereport ADD COLUMN last_main_doc varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER model_pdf;'
Request 116 sql='create table llx_payment_vat ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_tva integer, datec datetime, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datep datetime, amount double(24,8) DEFAULT 0, fk_typepaiement integer NOT NULL, num_paiement varchar(50), note text, fk_bank integer NOT NULL, fk_user_creat integer, fk_user_modif integer )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 117 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_tva ADD COLUMN paye smallint default 1 NOT NULL;'
Request 118 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_tva ADD COLUMN fk_account integer;'
Request 119 sql='INSERT INTO llx_payment_vat (rowid, fk_tva, datec, datep, amount, fk_typepaiement, num_paiement, note, fk_bank, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif) SELECT rowid, rowid, NOW(), datep, amount, COALESCE(fk_typepayment, 0), num_payment, 'Created automatically by migration v13 to v14', fk_bank, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif FROM llx_tva WHERE fk_bank IS NOT NULL;'
Request 120 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_tva ALTER COLUMN paye SET DEFAULT 0;'
Request 121 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationEmailAskConf)', 10, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationEmailAskConf)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventConfRequestWasReceived)__<br /><br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 122 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationEmailAskBooth)', 20, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationEmailAskBooth)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventBoothRequestWasReceived)__<br /><br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 123 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationEmailSubsBooth)', 30, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationEmailBoothPayment)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventPaymentOfBoothWasReceived)__<br /><br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 124 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationEmailSubsEvent)', 40, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationEmailRegistrationPayment)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventPaymentOfRegistrationWasReceived)__<br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 125 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationMassEmailAttendees)', 50, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationMassEmailAttendees)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventBulkMailToAttendees)__<br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 126 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity, module, type_template, lang, private, fk_user, datec, label, position, active, topic, content, content_lines, enabled, joinfiles) values (0, '', 'conferenceorbooth', '', 0, null, null, '(EventOrganizationMassEmailSpeakers)', 60, 1, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] __(EventOrganizationMassEmailSpeakers)__', '__(Hello)__,<br /><br />__(OrganizationEventBulkMailToSpeakers)__<br /><br />__(Sincerely)__<br />__USER_SIGNATURE__', null, '1', null);'
Request 127 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN accept_conference_suggestions integer DEFAULT 0;'
Request 128 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN accept_booth_suggestions integer DEFAULT 0;'
Request 129 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN price_registration double(24,8);'
Request 130 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_projet ADD COLUMN price_booth double(24,8);'
Request 131 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN num_vote integer DEFAULT NULL AFTER reply_to;'
Request 132 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN event_paid smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER num_vote;'
Request 133 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN status smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER event_paid;'
Request 134 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD COLUMN ref varchar(30) AFTER id;'
Request 135 sql='UPDATE llx_actioncomm SET ref = id WHERE ref = '' OR ref IS NULL;'
Request 136 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm MODIFY COLUMN ref varchar(30) NOT NULL;'
Request 137 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_actioncomm ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_actioncomm_ref (ref, entity);'
Request 138 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_actioncomm MODIFY code varchar(50) NOT NULL;'
Request 139 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_actioncomm MODIFY module varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 140 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, active, position) VALUES ( 60,'AC_EO_ONLINECONF','module','Online/Virtual conference','conference@eventorganization', 1, 60);'
Request 141 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, active, position) VALUES ( 61,'AC_EO_INDOORCONF','module','Indoor conference','conference@eventorganization', 1, 61);'
Request 142 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, active, position) VALUES ( 62,'AC_EO_ONLINEBOOTH','module','Online/Virtual booth','booth@eventorganization', 1, 62);'
Request 143 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_actioncomm (id, code, type, libelle, module, active, position) VALUES ( 63,'AC_EO_INDOORBOOTH','module','Indoor booth','booth@eventorganization', 1, 63);'
Request 144 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 145 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposal CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 146 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_supplier_proposal CHANGE COLUMN total total_ttc double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 147 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 148 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal CHANGE COLUMN total total_ttc double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 149 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 150 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture CHANGE COLUMN total total_ht double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 151 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_rec CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 152 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_rec CHANGE COLUMN total total_ht double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 153 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_commande_fournisseur CHANGE COLUMN tva total_tva double(24,8) default 0;'
Request 154 sql='create table llx_salary ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ref varchar(30) NULL, label varchar(255), tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, datec datetime, fk_user integer NOT NULL, datep date, datev date, salary double(24,8), amount double(24,8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, fk_projet integer DEFAULT NULL, datesp date, dateep date, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, note text, fk_bank integer, paye smallint default 1 NOT NULL, fk_typepayment integer NOT NULL, fk_account integer, fk_user_author integer, fk_user_modif integer ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 155 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary CHANGE COLUMN fk_user fk_user integer NULL;'
Request 156 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary ADD COLUMN fk_salary integer;'
Request 157 sql='INSERT INTO llx_salary (rowid, ref, fk_user, amount, fk_projet, fk_typepayment, label, datesp, dateep, entity, note, fk_bank, paye) SELECT ps.rowid, ps.rowid, ps.fk_user, ps.amount, ps.fk_projet, ps.fk_typepayment, ps.label, ps.datesp, ps.dateep, ps.entity, ps.note, ps.fk_bank, 1 FROM llx_payment_salary ps WHERE ps.fk_salary IS NULL;'
Request 158 sql='UPDATE llx_payment_salary SET fk_salary = rowid WHERE fk_salary IS NULL;'
Request 159 sql='UPDATE llx_payment_salary SET ref = rowid WHERE ref IS NULL;'
Request 160 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_salary ALTER COLUMN paye set default 0;'
Request 161 sql='UPDATE llx_extrafields SET elementtype = 'salary' WHERE elementtype = 'payment_salary';'
Request 162 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_salary_extrafields RENAME TO llx_salary_extrafields;'
Request 163 sql='DROP INDEX idx_payment_salary_extrafields on llx_salary_extrafields;'
Request 164 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_salary_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_salary_extrafields (fk_object);'
Request 165 sql='DELETE FROM llx_boxes WHERE box_id IN (SELECT rowid FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file IN ('box_graph_ticket_by_severity', 'box_ticket_by_severity.php', 'box_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php', 'box_nb_tickets_type.php', 'box_new_vs_close_ticket.php'));'
Request 166 sql='DELETE FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file IN ('box_graph_ticket_by_severity', 'box_ticket_by_severity.php', 'box_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php', 'box_nb_tickets_type.php', 'box_new_vs_close_ticket.php');'
Request 167 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_graph_ticket_by_severity.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_graph_ticket_by_severity.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 168 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_graph_nb_ticket_last_x_days.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 169 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_graph_nb_tickets_type.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_graph_nb_tickets_type.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 170 sql='INSERT INTO llx_boxes_def (file, entity) SELECT 'box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket.php', 1 FROM DUAL WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM llx_boxes_def WHERE file = 'box_graph_new_vs_close_ticket.php' AND entity = 1);'
Request 171 sql='create table llx_product_perentity ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_product integer, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, accountancy_code_sell varchar(32), accountancy_code_sell_intra varchar(32), accountancy_code_sell_export varchar(32), accountancy_code_buy varchar(32), accountancy_code_buy_intra varchar(32), accountancy_code_buy_export varchar(32), pmp double(24,8) )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 172 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_perentity ADD INDEX idx_product_perentity_fk_product (fk_product);'
Request 173 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product_perentity ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_product_perentity (fk_product, entity);'
Request 174 sql='create table llx_societe_perentity ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, fk_soc integer, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, accountancy_code_sell varchar(32), accountancy_code_buy varchar(32) )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 175 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_perentity ADD INDEX idx_societe_perentity_fk_soc (fk_soc);'
Request 176 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_societe_perentity ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_societe_perentity (fk_soc, entity);'
Request 177 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ref varchar(128) NOT NULL, fk_soc integer, fk_actioncomm integer, fk_project integer NOT NULL, fk_invoice integer NULL, email varchar(100), date_subscription datetime, amount double DEFAULT NULL, note_public text, note_private text, date_creation datetime NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_user_creat integer, fk_user_modif integer, last_main_doc varchar(255), import_key varchar(14), model_pdf varchar(255), status smallint NOT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 178 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee MODIFY COLUMN fk_actioncomm integer NULL;'
Request 179 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD COLUMN fk_project integer NOT NULL;'
Request 180 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD COLUMN fk_invoice integer NULL;'
Request 181 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee DROP FOREIGN KEY fx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_soc;'
Request 182 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee DROP FOREIGN KEY fx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_actioncomm;'
Request 183 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee DROP FOREIGN KEY fx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_project;'
Request 184 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_rowid (rowid);'
Request 185 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_ref (ref);'
Request 186 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_soc (fk_soc);'
Request 187 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_actioncomm (fk_actioncomm);'
Request 188 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_email (email);'
Request 189 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD INDEX idx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_status (status);'
Request 190 sql='DROP INDEX uk_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee on llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee;'
Request 191 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee(fk_project, email, fk_actioncomm);'
Request 192 sql='create table llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 193 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_eventorganization_conferenceorboothattendee_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_conferenceorboothattendee_fk_object(fk_object);'
Request 194 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_ticket_category ADD COLUMN public integer DEFAULT 0;'
Request 195 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_ticket_category MODIFY COLUMN pos integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL;'
Request 196 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD COLUMN date_signature datetime AFTER date_valid;'
Request 197 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD COLUMN fk_user_signature integer AFTER fk_user_valid;'
Request 198 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propal ADD CONSTRAINT fk_propal_fk_user_signature FOREIGN KEY (fk_user_signature) REFERENCES llx_user (rowid);'
Request 199 sql='UPDATE llx_propal SET fk_user_signature = fk_user_cloture WHERE fk_user_signature IS NULL AND fk_user_cloture IS NOT NULL;'
Request 200 sql='UPDATE llx_propal SET date_signature = date_cloture WHERE date_signature IS NULL AND date_cloture IS NOT NULL;'
Request 201 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN batch_mask VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL;'
Request 202 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN lifetime INTEGER NULL;'
Request 203 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_product ADD COLUMN qc_frequency INTEGER NULL;'
Request 204 sql='insert into llx_c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active ) values (210, 'conferenceorbooth', 'internal', 'MANAGER', 'Conference or Booth manager', 1);'
Request 205 sql='insert into llx_c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active ) values (211, 'conferenceorbooth', 'external', 'SPEAKER', 'Conference Speaker', 1);'
Request 206 sql='insert into llx_c_type_contact(rowid, element, source, code, libelle, active ) values (212, 'conferenceorbooth', 'external', 'RESPONSIBLE', 'Booth responsible', 1);'
Request 207 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_partnership( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ref varchar(128) DEFAULT '(PROV)' NOT NULL, status smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', fk_soc integer, fk_member integer, date_partnership_start date NOT NULL, date_partnership_end date NULL, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, reason_decline_or_cancel text NULL, date_creation datetime NOT NULL, fk_user_creat integer NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_user_modif integer, note_private text, note_public text, last_main_doc varchar(255), count_last_url_check_error integer DEFAULT '0', last_check_backlink datetime NULL, import_key varchar(14), model_pdf varchar(255) ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 208 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD COLUMN last_check_backlink datetime NULL;'
Request 209 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD INDEX idx_partnership_rowid (rowid);'
Request 210 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD INDEX idx_partnership_ref (ref);'
Request 211 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD INDEX idx_partnership_fk_soc (fk_soc);'
Request 212 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD CONSTRAINT llx_partnership_fk_user_creat FOREIGN KEY (fk_user_creat) REFERENCES llx_user(rowid);'
Request 213 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD INDEX idx_partnership_status (status);'
Request 214 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership ADD INDEX idx_partnership_fk_member (fk_member);'
Request 215 sql='create table llx_partnership_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 216 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership_extrafields ADD INDEX idx_partnership_fk_object(fk_object);'
Request 217 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity,module,type_template,label,lang,position,topic,joinfiles,content) VALUES (0, 'partnership', 'partnership_send', '(SendingEmailOnPartnershipWillSoonBeCanceled)', '', 100, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] - __(YourPartnershipWillSoonBeCanceledTopic)__', 0, '<body>\n <p>Hello,<br><br>\n__(YourPartnershipWillSoonBeCanceledContent)__</p>\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n __(Sincerely)__ <br />\n __[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__ <br />\n </body>\n');'
Request 218 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity,module,type_template,label,lang,position,topic,joinfiles,content) VALUES (0, 'partnership', 'partnership_send', '(SendingEmailOnPartnershipCanceled)', '', 100, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] - __(YourPartnershipCanceledTopic)__', 0, '<body>\n <p>Hello,<br><br>\n__(YourPartnershipCanceledContent)__</p>\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n __(Sincerely)__ <br />\n __[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__ <br />\n </body>\n');'
Request 219 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity,module,type_template,label,lang,position,topic,joinfiles,content) VALUES (0, 'partnership', 'partnership_send', '(SendingEmailOnPartnershipRefused)', '', 100, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] - __(YourPartnershipRefusedTopic)__', 0, '<body>\n <p>Hello,<br><br>\n__(YourPartnershipRefusedContent)__</p>\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n __(Sincerely)__ <br />\n __[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__ <br />\n </body>\n');'
Request 220 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_email_templates (entity,module,type_template,label,lang,position,topic,joinfiles,content) VALUES (0, 'partnership', 'partnership_send', '(SendingEmailOnPartnershipAccepted)', '', 100, '[__[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__] - __(YourPartnershipAcceptedTopic)__', 0, '<body>\n <p>Hello,<br><br>\n__(YourPartnershipAcceptedContent)__</p>\n<br />\n\n<br />\n\n __(Sincerely)__ <br />\n __[MAIN_INFO_SOCIETE_NOM]__ <br />\n </body>\n');'
Request 221 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD COLUMN url varchar(255) NULL AFTER email;'
Request 222 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn ADD COLUMN date_closing datetime DEFAULT NULL after date_valid;'
Request 223 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn ADD COLUMN fk_user_closing integer DEFAULT NULL after fk_user_valid;'
Request 224 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_entrepot ADD COLUMN fk_project INTEGER DEFAULT NULL AFTER entity;'
Request 225 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_donation ADD COLUMN ext_payment_site varchar(128) AFTER note;'
Request 226 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_payment_donation ADD COLUMN ext_payment_id varchar(128) AFTER note;'
Request 227 sql='UPDATE llx_const SET type = 'chaine', value = __ENCRYPT('github')__ WHERE __DECRYPT('name')__ = 'MAIN_BUGTRACK_ENABLELINK' AND __DECRYPT('value')__ = '1';'
Request 228 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD COLUMN fk_remise_except integer DEFAULT NULL after remise_percent;'
Request 229 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn_det ADD UNIQUE INDEX uk_fk_remise_except (fk_remise_except, fk_facture_fourn);'
Request 230 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ref varchar(128) NOT NULL, date_creation datetime NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_main_doc varchar(255), fk_user_creat integer NOT NULL, fk_user_modif integer, fk_user_valid integer, import_key varchar(14), model_pdf varchar(255), question text NOT NULL, answer text, url varchar(255), fk_ticket integer, fk_c_ticket_category integer, status integer NOT NULL ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 231 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord ADD COLUMN fk_ticket integer;'
Request 232 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord ADD COLUMN fk_c_ticket_category integer;'
Request 233 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord ADD COLUMN url varchar(255);'
Request 234 sql='create table llx_knowledgemanagement_knowledgerecord_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 235 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_adherent_type ADD COLUMN amount DOUBLE(24,8) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER subscription;'
Request 236 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('COMPANY_MODIFY','Third party update','Executed when you update third party','societe',1);'
Request 237 sql='INSERT INTO llx_c_action_trigger (code,label,description,elementtype,rang) VALUES ('CONTACT_MODIFY','Contact address update','Executed when a contact is updated','contact',51);'
Request 238 sql='create table llx_c_partnership_type ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, code varchar(32) NOT NULL, label varchar(64) NOT NULL, active tinyint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 239 sql='DELETE FROM llx_rights_def WHERE module = 'hrm' AND perms = 'employee';'
Request 240 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_ecm_directories_extrafields ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, fk_object integer NOT NULL, import_key varchar(14) ) ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 241 sql='DROP TABLE llx_categorie_association;'
Request 242 sql='DROP TABLE llx_cond_reglement;'
Request 243 sql='DROP TABLE llx_zapier_hook_extrafields;'
Request 244 sql='CREATE TABLE llx_onlinesignature ( rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, entity integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL, object_type varchar(32) NOT NULL, object_id integer NOT NULL, datec datetime NOT NULL, tms timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, ip varchar(128), pathoffile varchar(255) )ENGINE=innodb;'
Request 245 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_partnership MODIFY COLUMN date_partnership_end date NULL;'
Request 246 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_facture_fourn CHANGE COLUMN fk_mode_transport fk_transport_mode integer;'
Request 247 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_socialnetworks DROP INDEX idx_c_socialnetworks_code;'
Request 248 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_c_socialnetworks ADD UNIQUE INDEX idx_c_socialnetworks_code_entity (code, entity);'
Request 249 sql='ALTER TABLE llx_propaldet ADD COLUMN import_key varchar(14);'
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